lundi 11 juin 2012

Winter Wonderland

In the winter, the snowy drifts and sooty drifters are blowin' in the wind. How does it feel? Beneath the streets of Fiorillaville, the helpless homeless huddle in dank tunnels amid fetid odors. Oddly shaped creatures scurry in the darkness. 

Here we see a frail family, the Marginals. Facing foreclosure of their subterranean tunnel, they are desperate and destitute as they set out to find a new abode. 

Wireless Installation

Working in a small IT shop affords many benefits. One of the best is being able to perform so many different jobs. Today I found myself installing new wireless access points in one of our buildings.
These are little square devices that connect to the metal frameworks that support false ceilings. It allowed me to learn a couple of things.

1. Ceiling tiles are evil
2. People love to watch other people work

I have enough ceiling tile dust in my eyes, hair, ears and collected in my shoes and open pockets to tile the ceiling of a new building. I also have a pretty fare idea that I don't like the way ceiling tile dust tastes. Who needs fiber cereal when you could ingest ceiling tile dust.


Plus the little buggers take a downright maniacal pleasure in not functioning as designed. You can pop one out but have you ever tried to get one to re-seat properly in the framework? Impossible. Not going to happen. You need pop out an adjacent tile in order to wrap your finger around to push down the first one. Now of course you have a different tile up. Give it a wiggle. Nothing. A tap. Nada. Then you pry it, push it, squeeze it, grab it, force it, jam it and curse it. All the while teetering back and forth on your ladder trying to get some leverage on this horrible little beast!

So you end up having to pop up some 20 odd tiles moving the wedged up corner from tile to tile hoping that the next one will be slightly loose and just fall back down in place. As it was, of course, designed to do.

Luckily though, you're not alone. No sir, you've got an audience. A whole building of workers who never say hello, but will watch you out of the corner of their eye. If you turn around to look their heads whip back and they pretend that they didn't notice you.

"What? A 230lb tech wrestling ceiling tiles for the last 20 minutes? In this building?!"

Not that I really want to chat with anyone when I'm busying playing Whack-A-Mole with the tiles.

"Whatcha you doing?"
"Installing stuff"
"What kinda stuff"
"Cisco 1400 Wireless Access Points."
"For what?"
"Wireless. It's even in the name..."
"Why do you have to plug them in if they're wireless?"

So, I was on my last one of the day with very few interruptions. I'd gotten through almost all of my ceiling tile madness when someone rounds the corner and looks up at me.

"Whatcha you doing?"
Sigh... Here we go.

And then out of nowhere it came to me and I spurted this off without missing a beat:

 "As part of the new green initiative we're installing these new collectors. They absorb negative thoughts from the employees and we turn that into energy to power the servers."

He looked at me, looked up at the wireless controller and said, "Wow. What will they think of next." And then he walked away.

Unbelievable. Or, apparently not.

Turn Around Bright Eyes

Congratulations to Country Girl!  She was upset with herself for not knowing the artists full name, but knew the answer to this weeks Weekend Words was indeed, Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. (If you don't already know how great Kate and her blog are, then you have never read my blog before.  She is featured here more than any other blog I read. If you haven't been to her site then GO NOW.)

Total Eclipse of the Heart

Every now and then
I get a little bit lonely
and you're never coming around
Every now and then
I get a little bit tired
of listening to the sound of my tears
Every now and then
I get a little bit nervous
that the best of all the years have gone by
Every now and then
I get a little bit terrified
and then I see the look in your eyes
(Turnaround bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turnaround bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
Every now and then I get a little
bit restless and i dream of something wild
Every now and then I get a little bit
helpless and im lying like a child in your arms
Every now and then I get a little bit angry
and I know I have to get out and cry
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
but then I see the look in your eyes
(Turn around bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
(repeat 2x)

Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround, every now and then I know
you'll never be the boy you always you wanted to be
Turnaround, every now and then I know
you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am
Turnaround, every now and then I know
there's no one in the universe as magical and wonderous as you
Turnaround, every now and then I know
there's nothing any better and there's nothing I just wouldn't do
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
Nothing I can say
Total eclipse of the heart
Total eclipse of the heart
Total eclipse of the heart

If you want to see the real music video for this song click here.
But like I said in the last post, I was given a great link to a spoof and this song, and most 80's music videos for that matter.  Watching this made me realize that Michael Jackson and Madonna, were the only ones that knew what they were doing until 1990. Enjoy the laugh.

WOW! What a weekend!!!!

Oooo...I have been a busy lady!  Not much time to blog this week.  Photography, illnesses, and quick trip to Atlantic City with my pals have kept me away!  BUT, I did have time to work on my Project Life!  I chose to focus mostly on Valentine's Day.  And really enjoyed it!

On the left, I used various size page protectors to save all of our Valentines. :)   

All together now!

8 Very Strange Facts About Pregnancy

Baby’s Feet

In some instances when woman is pregnant, in the late pregnancy you can clearly see baby’s hands, feet or other parts of the body pressed in your belly when the baby is moving or kicking. In those cases you get more aware of the baby inside your womb.

Smoke So That You Can Have a Girl

Some studies have shown that couples that smoke during the time of conception have a higher chance of having a girl.

Baby Boys Can Get Erected in the Womb

It is a well-known fact that kids at the age of 3-4 start to explore their bodies. But what isn’t that well-known is that boys can get erections while they are in the mother’s womb. I don’t think that any mom likes to think about such things because babies are supposed to be pure. I guess we all have our dirty little secrets, even before we are born.

Pregnant for a Year

When you get pregnant you have to endure 9months in order to have a full-term healthy baby. However, there are those cases when you will have to be patient for much longer, like a year. The world’s longest pregnancy lasted for 375 days.

Delivery Time

When you go into delivery, it’s just the beginning of the end for pregnant woman. Gravida (or the pregnant woman) has to endure 14hours when giving birth for the first time or even longer. But the result is priceless.

Mom May Poop During the Delivery

Many young mothers don’t know that when they are delivering a baby into this world, they might poop. This is because a woman uses the same muscles when pushing the baby out and those used for bowl movement.

Contractions after Birth

But that might not be all. After having a baby, you may have contractions for some hours to come. It is because your body is calming down from all those cramps and effort put into labor. It is possible that you won’t feel them because you’ll be woozy from the drugs that they gave you in the hospital.

Pregnant Dad

Many say that only moms can live the unconditional love for their children because they had the baby in their womb. But there are some dads that experience all the symptoms as their wives; like increased body weight and morning sickness. This is a symptom known as a sympathetic pregnancy or the Couvade Syndrome.

Backward Day Pictures

Backward Day Pictures 

I Searched Wicked People On Facebook

Everyone (of over 500 million users) on the largest social website Facebook like to get seen “in the best light” in their albums, profile pictures… But some people just don’t have a sense for humor – because that’s what this is – FUNNY!  Take a good look at this gallery with some of the weirdest pictures on Facebook and remind that these are pictures that you should NOT have on your profile!

Always Coca Cola

When taking exams…

NO, I dont give you my payday